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Sunday, 7 June 2015

What is going on in South Africa...Emotionally?

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In Brief, the situation is escalating:

I certainly don't claim to be a political expert here and I am far from all-knowing when it comes to the current economic, political and social climate that faces the country I have lived in for most of my life. We read all sorts of chilling reports of farmers being tortured and killed, xenophobic attacks, extreme poverty, family violence, homelessness, high crime rates, violence, HIV/AIDS, lack of services, an electricity crisis, a corrupt government, a corrupt justice system and the list sadly goes on and on. 

We start to blame. We want accountability. We need somewhere to place our growing fear, anger, powerlessness, disgust, sadness and pain. Many of us are in grief. Many of us carry layers of trauma. Many of us are suffering an unimaginable sense of loss. We cry for our beloved country and long for peace and stability. Some of us watch from afar, like myself, having fled from the trauma or threat of potential trauma in search of safety and a second chance. Others watch the chaos around them, finding the South African sense of humour to be wearing very thin. We all fight. We fight openly or on the inside, these battles that are full of frustration, angst and bitterness. We watch as our people suffer or create suffering. We start to turn on each other. The only question on my mind here is:

What is going on in SA...Emotionally?

We will all turn blue in the face trying to point fingers and fight for our own beliefs about change and what should be happening. This is not to say 'stop fighting for change'. I want to talk about change when it comes to people. I want to share my observations, experiences and knowledge with you all in a way that has no separateness. When it comes to emotions there is no room for race, class, gender or age. We ALL have them.Our reactions to emotions and the triggers for emotions may vary, but we ALL feel. No one is worse or better off when it comes to our feeling bodies. I feel this is the ONLY place to start. I am going to break down 5 of the 6 core emotions for you and give you my take on each of these in regards to the beautiful people of South Africa, past and present. This situation did not emerge from race, it is exacerbated by it. To heal one must look at the root cause and I believe this lies in the realm of emotions. Childhood trauma is fundamental in this...hear me out:


I thought I would start with fear as this emotion is very prevalent currently and has been for as long as I can remember. Fear is an emotion that alerts us to perceived danger or harm. It's benefit is to warn us and keep us safe. Fear is very much associated with our sense of safety and stability in the world. This is not just our physical safety, which is an area most people will think about initially. I want to talk about emotional safety. In my work I talk a lot about emotional regulation which involves teaching children how to recognise and manage their emotions. If fear is not regulated and validated as a child or these emotional needs regarding fear are not met, this creates an internal instability and anxiety. This can occur when there is no physical trauma and parents indirectly teach their children to suppress their emotions and don't comfort and soothe children when they are scared and anxious. Think about this now in terms of trauma. How many children have been abused and neglected. How many children have fled their homes due to violence and are now living on the street. How many children live in extreme poverty where they have no warmth, food, medicine and basic hygiene. Most children are unable to attend school and are immersed in problems that are way beyond appropriate for their age groups and comprehension. Children in South Africa witness violence on a regular basis. They live within a culture rife with anxiety and fear. They model behaviours of caution and learn from the beginning that the world is dangerous and people cannot be trusted. No matter who you are, if you live in South Africa you have childhood emotional trauma regarding fear and stability. Your sense of safety in the world is often in question. Those children living in poverty or on the streets have a level of trauma that is unimaginable to most people. Most people live in a state of survival which is contradictory to inner peace and freedom.


There are 2 forms of disgust. One is innate and all people are born with this emotion. This form of disgust helps us to recognize and become repelled away from something that may potentially make us sick or cause us harm. Think of bodily excretions, illnesses, rotting food or flesh, bad smells etc. Disgust in this pure form gives us an in-built protection and is extremely important.

The second form of disgust is learnt through our upbringing, cultures and experiences. This form of disgust is very relevant to South Africa as it is linked to our sense of morality. This sense of morality is based on our perceptions of social justice and our own personal beliefs. This is where racism comes into play. Similarly to fear, disgust is linked to our perceptions of threats and potential harm. When we are taught that difference is something to fear or is harmful in some way, we often feel a sense of disgust (sick to the stomach) when coming into contact with a representation of that thing. If a certain race group is seen as dangerous, immoral or wrong we will begin to create a divide between ourselves and this race group. This is caused by a fear of difference and the perceived harm these differences may hold. Our reaction to this race group will then become one of disgust as we have trained our brains to see this group as something harmful and dangerous.

The details of why these race groups may be harmful are irrelevant. The fact is that we have created this divide and categorized ourselves racially for a number of reasons. No two people are the same, regardless of their commonalities and identification to a race group or way of life. Creating separateness is done to appease our own emotional needs of belonging, stability and safety.


Shame is different to guilt. Guilt is an associated emotion of shame and involves the feeling of having done something wrong. Shame on the other hand occurs when we mistake having done something wrong for believing there is something fundamentally wrong with us. This happens in childhood when the emotion of guilt has not been regulated. A common occurrence is when parents do not make the distinction of a behaviour being naughty and call their children naughty without fully explaining the difference. Children do not have the brain development to make this distinction for themselves.They will blame themselves for things that go wrong, for their parent's unhappiness, for problems that occur and so forth. If children are not taught otherwise they will develop a belief that they are not good enough or they are unworthy or fundamentally flawed. This creates low-self esteem and the more shame they experience, the greater the problems they will experience later on. Shame is at the route of mental illness. Shame gets in the way of our ability to be in healthy relationships. Shame causes us to feel triggered and threatened in so many ways. We develop a world of coping mechanisms to attempt to hide ourselves from others but most importantly ourselves. 

This is where blame and judgement comes in. In order to make ourselves feel better we compare ourselves to others. The more we feel superior, the more a false sense of comfort, belonging and safety comes over us. This doesn't last, however, because these needs cannot be met externally. This is why serial killers continue to kill again and again. They are seeking the relief they are anticipating getting when feeling powerful. Shame is strongly associated with powerlessness. The more powerless people feel, the more desperate they become to gain power. Our morals and values determine our limitations to how far we will go to achieve this. If someone has not been taught the value of human life, have not been taught compassion, empathy, love and respect...these limitations may become fragile. I believe the power struggles in South Africa stem from a deep sense of powerlessness in our nation as a whole.


Anger is a powerful emotion and is linked to our sense of fairness, justice and personal boundaries. Anger helps to keep us safe by allowing us to create these boundaries around what we want and don't want in our lives. Most of the population live with a sense of injustice due to lack of services, financial stress, rampant crime, violations etc. This emotion also ties into our own self respect and how much we value ourselves. People who have a great deal of shame often struggle with setting boundaries and with feeling anger appropriately in relation to injustice or lack of fairness and respect. Victims of childhood sexual abuse are often a good example of this and will often find themselves in abusive situations again and again. As anger doesn't evaporate if not expressed, we internalise it. Many people struggle to regulate their children's anger and punish children for expressing anger. Anger is very closely linked to fear and often behaviours that reflect anger stem from the emotion fear, especially in children. 

South Africa has a strong and deep set culture of punishment, especially when it comes to parenting and childcare. There are no laws that protect children from this and therefore very little movement in regards to questioning this form of discipline. Children are emotional beings as their brain development for thinking and cognition does not start to develop properly until after the first 6 years. This means that although they are able to start having thoughts, their thinking is very basic and they are unable to conceptualise and rationalise in the same ways as adults. They interpret the world through feelings and they need someone to help them identify what they are feeling and what that means. Children react to their feelings through their behaviour which is often seen as being bad or acting out. Punishment in the form of physical aggression and violence (hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, forcing children to eat something like soap or hot sauce etc) creates a sense of anger in children. It becomes a vicious cycle. Many children in South Africa are taught to deal with their fear and anger (and shame as punishment in this form creates shame/powerlessness) through violence and lashing out aggressively. When you add trauma and fear this emotion becomes heightened and the aggression will increase.  


Sadness stems from a sense of loss. Loss comes in many forms and is not specific to people and pets. We feel loss when we have had to part with or lose something or someone of value to us. This can even be a part of ourselves, for example we may yearn for our younger years or a time when we looked or felt a different way. Sadness is at the route of depression and is experienced as a withdrawal, lack of energy, heaviness and grief. Pain and sorrow are closely associated emotions with sadness

In terms of South Africa there is an enormous amount of loss. Many people are experiencing loss in the form of finances, property, employment, theft etc. The biggest one is that of grief and bereavement for loved ones. Violent crime, illnesses such as HIV/AIDS and TB, starvation, driving under the influence and many other national crises mean that there are many of us who have lost one or more loved ones too soon. Grief is in itself a trauma and the large amount of grief and lack of services to support grief mean that people will again be prone to heightened states of fear, anger, disgust, anguish, blame and many more emotions that come from unprocessed grief. There are so many pressures on the South African population and so much exposure to pain and heartache, we become almost de-sensitised. I say almost purposefully. It is not actually de-sensitisation in my belief, it is again a survival mechanism of creating separation. This creates further divide. If we were to embrace the countries pain and sorrow fully we would literally implode emotionally. We would all be breaking down due to the inundation of the trauma and instability.

So where does that leave us?

This is not something that can be changed over night and in terms of the solution...that is largely unknown. What I do know is that we all need a new way of looking at things where we can bridge this separation and the racial and economic divides. As with anything, the only thing you can control is yourself. If everyone spent some time on their own trauma and supported those people around them I believe we could start to chip away at this emotional warfare. Be mindful of what you say and how you portray that to your children. Look at others with compassion and concentrate on your own boundaries. Be kind to yourself when acknowledging that you may be in survival and are living with emotional stress and strain. Make decisions based on your own needs and support other people for doing the same. If you are fighting and advocating for this country, do not do this at the expense of your own health and well-being. When you look at things from an emotional perspective you are not looking at the behaviours or the differences between people. We are all connected and we all feel. Causing pain always comes from a place of being caused pain. No person is born evil. Are some people dangerous, absolutely. Compassion does not mean welcoming these people into your life. Compassion means empathy and allowing yourself to see people as humans, see the damage for what it is and release yourself from feelings of hate and anger. Allow yourself to feel, it's ok to be afraid, to feel loss and pain, to feel whatever it is you need to feel. Start within and start meeting your own needs!

Take care

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